10 Tips For Healthier Scalp 2024

Ayushi Limbachiya
5 min readJan 31, 2024

Manifesting perfect hair in 2024? Then, you might want to attend to your scalp health. Let’s be honest: a happy scalp equals happy hair. Let’s decode 10 easy ways to improve the situationship with your scalp and make it feel more loved:

1. Tea Tree Tango

Tea Tree

Grab some Tea tree oil, our scalp superhero. Mix a few drops with your regular shampoo, or if you’re feeling fancy, blend it with a carrier oil. Massage your scalp with love. Let it stay overnight or wash your hair with a scalp-detoxifying shampoo. This shampoo is the best hair scalp cleanser you can ever land on!

Tea tree products

You can also bank on a good Tea tree oil serum to get rid of scalp debris. Love Beauty and Planet Tea tree oil scalp serum is a nature-loving serum that not only reduces scalp oiliness and soothes itchy scalp but also prevents the recurrence of dandruff.

2. Aloe Vera Bliss

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is not just for sunburns! Get some fresh gel and slather it on your scalp. It’s the perfect way to hydrate your scalp naturally and prevent pesky flakes. Bonus: it’s anti-inflammatory, so buh-bye to any scalp drama.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar Magic

Apple Cider Vinegar

This one’s the best natural scalp cleanser. Mix equal parts water and Apple cider vinegar, then use it as a post-shampoo rinse. This is an excellent way to detoxify your scalp because it helps to get rid of all the excess stuff and leaves you with that fresh-out-of-the-salon feeling.

4. Baking Soda Fun

Baking Soda

Baking soda isn’t just for baking — you can also use it for scalp care. It is one of the easiest scalp cleanser home remedies. Mix it with water, turn it into a paste, and give your scalp a good scrub. Sayonara, dead skin cells and product buildup!

5. Lemon Squeeze

Lemon Squeeze

Time to add a zing to your scalp cleansing routine. Mix lemon juice with water and let it cleanse your scalp. It cuts through excess oil and flakes like a champ. Plus, that extra care of vitamin C! Your scalp craves that.

6. Neem Oil & Curry Leaves Wonder

Curry Leaves

Neem oil can protect your scalp like nothing can! Mix it with a carrier oil and massage it away. Curry leaves are rich in antioxidants and proteins. Result? They help moisturize the scalp and even enhance hair growth.

Curry leave products

Love Beauty and Planet Curry leaves hair collection is touted for getting longer, thicker hair. The best part about this range is the refreshing fragrance of Mandarin essential oil. Time to get some zesty vibes with a healthier scalp!

7. Minty Freshness with Rosemary Vibes


So, this one’s easy. Brew some fresh Mint leaves and Rosemary in water, let it cool, and use it as a final rinse after shampooing. How does this help? It stimulates blood circulation, which is really really good for your scalp.

8. Olive Oil Love

When it comes to an easy scalp cleanser home remedy, Olive oil is a super hero. Warm up some Olive oil, apply it generously to your scalp, and let it do its thing. This simple process opens up your pores, allowing the oil to nourish your scalp and hair. The best part? It won’t break the bank, giving you all the relaxation without the hefty spa bill. It’s self-care made easy!

9. Honey Hydration


Honey does more than satisfy your sweet tooth. Mixing it with water and treating your scalp with this hydrating duo comes with a host of benefits. Honey is a natural humectant, meaning it attracts and retains moisture. This helps keep your scalp hydrated, reducing dryness and promoting a healthier environment for your hair to thrive. So, it’s not just a treat for your taste buds but also a nourishing sip for your scalp.

10. Green Tea Serenade

Green Tea

Brew a refreshing cup of Green tea, let it cool, and use it as a final rinse — your scalp will thank you for it! Green tea is more than a beverage; it comes packed with antioxidants and soothing properties. When applied as a rinse, it helps to balance the scalp’s natural oils, reduces dandruff, and provides a calming effect. So next time you sip your favorite Green tea, also use it as a natural scalp cleanser.


And that’s the lowdown on the top 10 tried-and-tested tricks for a squeaky-clean and blissfully content scalp. Give these a shot, discover your favorites, and get ready to welcome days of healthier, more fabulous hair!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:1 Is it normal to experience more hair fall during winter?

A. Yes, it’s common for people to notice an increase in hair fall during winter due to factors like dry air and reduced sunlight affecting scalp health.

Q:2 Can I use the same shampoo in winter as I do in other seasons?

A. While you can use the same shampoo, it’s beneficial to switch to a moisturizing or anti-dandruff formula in winter to combat dryness and flakiness.

Q:3 How often should I use a hydrating hair mask in winter?

A. Using a hydrating hair mask once a week is ideal during winter to replenish moisture and prevent hair from becoming dry and brittle.



Ayushi Limbachiya

Ayushi can be found meditating, singing or writing a poem or writing beauty and fashion content.